The tower of Brison

Hiking distance : 17.7 km ; Hiking time : 05:30
the tower of Brison

In september of 2016, our club hike took us to the upper Beaume river valley and the mountain village of Laboule. We stayed in the area 2 days to hike a couple circuits on the Tanargue. The Tanargue is both a peak and a ridge-line oriented roughly west to east in the southern Ardèche – about 2 hours from the croix-de-Gattigues. The average altitude of this ridge-line is around 1200 m, but one section, called the Cham de Cros reaches an altitude of around 1400 m. This “Cham” (cham is an old french word usually used to name a small plateau surrounded by deep ravines) is visible from a long way off. From a variety of lookouts near the croix-de-Gattigues the distinctive skyline of this plateau is easy to identify. When we reached the top of the Cham, we could see, to the south, a prominent but lower peak with a tower and a beacon. No one could identify the site that day. So we had to find out. Continue reading “The tower of Brison”

Les Fumades

Hiking distance : 10.9 km ; Hiking time : 03:30
livestock feeder

This hike loops around several hamlets in the municipality of Allègre-les-Fumades. Les Fumades was a popular spa in the 19th century, drawing visitors from as far away as the UK and Germany due to the reputation of it’s mineral waters. Wartime (especially the 1914-1918 world war) and economic changes have taken their toll and, although still a spa, the town is not as popular as it once was. Apart from the spa, the town retains several points of historical and photographical interest. Continue reading “Les Fumades”

Altitude measurements

I used a Garmin GPS 64 to record altitudes during a recent hike along the the Vidourle river-mill circuit and compared the recordings to the theoretical altitudes obtained by generating the GPX with an online tool using the IGN basemaps. Here below is a comparison chart.

altitude comparisons
altitude comparisons

First, notice there is a growing lag between the peaks on the theoretical profile (green line) and the recording (red line) with the peaks on the recording occuring later then the peaks on the theoretical profile. This is normal, because we did not stick exactly to the theoretical track. At Montredon, we wandered around the site which added some distance to the recording that does not appear in the theoretical profile. (Note: We also climbed a bit higher than planned.)

However, there is still something strange going on. The recorded Garmin altitude, starting from around 3 km in, starts tracking progressively lower than the theoretical altitude. The Garmin data stabilises between 10 and 20 m altitude while in reality, no point on this circuit is below 20-25 m so the Garmin data is incorrect. Is this because the differences are within a margin of error for altitude measurements with a handheld device ? Maybe but if so, why is the tracking much closer for the first 3 km ?

Rivermills on the Vidourle

Hiking distance : 12.3 km ; Hiking time : 04:00
weir at Villevieille river-mill
weir at Villevieille river-mill

In these parts, almost everyone has heard of the river Vidourle. It’s famous for flash floods and devastation. But the river is a lot more interesting than just the flood damage it causes. For starters, it rises in a steep valley on the south face of the Cévennes mountain range where it collects water from many streams and occasionally from violent thunderstorm downpours. Flowing out of the valley at St-Hippolyte-du-Fort, it enters a karstic plain and promptly disappears underground. There is an “above ground” river bed which runs the 10 odd km between St-Hippolyte and Sauve and is often dry. In the small town of Sauve a substantial stream emerges from the base of the Coutach hills – this is the so-called “fountain” of Sauve – and flows straight into the Vidourle riverbed. This fountain presumably restitutes the lost Vidourle waters, and a lot more, to the main above ground riverbed. Then the Vidourle meanders on to Quissac and Sommieres. Later on, closer to the sea, the river flows into the Camargue marshes and has many possible courses. But that’s another story. This hike concerns the Vidourle river from the Runel river-mill north of Salinelles to Sommières. We start in Sommières and visit a number of interesting spots. Continue reading “Rivermills on the Vidourle”